Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep

Did you know that your sleep cycle affects your hair’s health? A restorative night’s sleep is needed for the protein synthesis of the hair + the release of enzymes and growth hormones that are necessary for overall hair health. 

To add, the way that sleep affects your body’s natural hormones is probably the most important part of preventing hair loss. Your body produces a hormone called melatonin. This hormone helps your body regulate your sleep cycle, and it also has been shown to increase hair growth. If your body decreases in its melatonin levels, it’s possible that this results in hair loss.

Here are some tips that can help you sleep: 

  • Set your room to a cooler temperature (approximately 65° F)
  • Stop going on your phone at least an hour before you’d like to fall asleep
  • Make the room as dark as possible
  • Don’t nap for longer than 15-30 minutes during the day
  • Find the right mattress for you that makes you feel cozy and comfy
  • Try to stick to a consistent bedtime & wakeup time

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